Roka's Birth Story

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Hello people who read my blog!

Today is my due date! Thought it was about time to give you the deet's of my Birth Story!

So here.

First things first, here is a photo of me a few days prior to giving birth. 37 1/2 weeks! Gotta love those last puffy weeks lol.

Twas the night before the birth, and all through the town...... jk jk
But actually, I picked up Maikal from the airport the night before I went into labour (Monday the 20th). Like....10 hours prior. 10 HOURS! Holy Lucky.

So at 8:30am Tuesday morning (21st) I started to feel some contractions. I wasn't too panicked as I had been feeling them before and nothing happened. But the morning went on and they started to intensify and be more consistent. They began to really hurt around 10:30, the hospital was 35 min away so I thought 'better safe than sorry!' and just head there. I was having to breath through each contraction at this point and I literally thought that there wasn't going to be time for anything when we got there, I could have sworn I was at a 7 or 8. But it's true what they say, every pregnancy is different and every labour is different. We got there, got all set up, and I was only at a 4. FOUR! I was shaking in pain.

So we head up to the room where I would be staying and delivering. It was so nice. Private room and lots of space. My nurse was amazing and made sure I was comfortable and had already called for the Epidural before I even got into the bed. YES. I was pretty nervous when the drug doctor arrived. I was just praying that the Epidural would work. So I got all set up ready to get it. HOLY MOLY IT HURT. I would describe the pain as the biggest (like the size of a pen) needle that was full of snake venom being stabbed into me. But, worth it because it worked instantly!!! My nurse was all, youre having a contraction right now, and I felt nothing. NOTHING!! Finally, a labour and birth that I was actually going to enjoy and have a good memory about.

3-4 hours went by, we were basically just waiting for my water to break at this point. The drugs started to wear off, quickly. I was feeling each contraction slowly but surely. I had the laughing gas, which made me super drowsy, I don't think I will do that again. The pain was super intense in the end. So many tears. But it only lasted about 30 min and my water broke. Doctor got there JUST in time. I gave about 5 good pushes and he was out! They placed him on my chest and it was all over.

Maikal was by my side holding my hand through every single contraction. Couldn't have done it without him! He wasn't even home for 20 hours before he helped welcome our son here. I still can't believe how things unfolded with the timing.
Our friend Mani was also able to make it (she had the camera). It was so fun having her there for moral support and to add that extra bit of comfort I needed. And also to capture some pretty special moments ;) 

I burst into tears as soon as I saw him. He was here, I was done, and he had dark hair!!

He looked SO much like Ben, but dark. Im so excited to see him grow and how much they will look alike.

Super funny story right after this photo. Roka was on my chest, and the first thing my doctor said to me was "so youre a Redhead, why are your eyebrows so dark?" as he was stitching me up. I just laughed. I explained that my natural eyebrows are transparent and most gingers darken them in order to show expression haha. So random hahahaha.

You guys, I am not traumatized. Although this birth wasn't all pleasant, I was still able to get through it. I wasn't screaming and I definitely wouldn't describe the pain as bad as the last 2. I feel happy about it!
Thank you to everyone who gave me encouraging words and prayers for a good birth.

Roka Joshua Tarakona Lowry
(pronounced Row-ka)
6 pounds 14 ounces
19 inches long
Born Nov 21/2017
at 4:30pm

 We are absolutely smitten with this little angel.


  1. Beautiful pictorial Brittany and absolutely stunningly beautiful babe. Good work you two.

  2. Mani did a FANTASTIC job taking your pictures! I'm so glad you got your best case scenario birth!

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