Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Spartan Race

This past saturday Maikal and a bunch of family and friends participated in the Spartan Race. The title makes it seem alot more horrible than it actually was! It was a 5km trail with a ton of hard obstacles along the way. Some of the obstacles included:

  • Dragging a cinder block
  • Hills oh the many many hills
  • Carrying a sand bag down and back up a hill
  • Running through mud
  • Climbing up and down numerous walls
  • Balancing on 2X4 zig zag beams
  • Army crawling under sharp barb wire in the mud
  • Throwing a spear at a fake Persian (a spartan enemy)
  • Fighting their way to the finish line through buff Spartans with cushion weapons

It is all volunteer and it was such a blast!! There were thousands of people there and the majority of the people were super fit!!! There were heats of 250 people going through the race every 1.5 hours until 7:30 at night. Maikal was the 34th person in his heat! Pretty good hey! I'm thinking I will probably do this next year :) 

Just warming up ;)

I cant even tell you how many shoes were lost in this mud pit...

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