Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Our First Valentines Day

Me and Maikal are not the biggest Valentines Day celebrators. But since it was such a nice day out, we decided to play around Nic. Sharon Park.
First we went and got some Booster Juices then headed to the park.
As we skipped along the sidewalk we came to a playground.
Then within seconds, Maikal gave me a big wet one on the lips and said, "You're it!"
Kissing Tag!
I love tag, but that doesn't mean I am good at it...
If Maikal were an animal, he would be a monkey.
He is seriously the best climber I know, so as we were climbing all around the playground,
I realized that not even spiderman would be able to catch this man!
So I just eventually gave up.....sad I know.
I should have pretended to hurt myself to get him close enough for me to kiss him :)

He thought it would be funny to record me jumping along the rocks
and kind of hoping I would know, just to laugh at it later :)

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