Shop The Blanket Thief

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Hey everyone!

So today I wanted to tell you guys all about my amazing cousin. Her name is Cherisa Smith and she is ridiculously talented. She just opened up an Etsy shop for stunning handmade blankets and quilts!! Seriously, they are amazing. I will definitely be owning some in the future. They are so unique and incredibly well made and the fabrics she uses are just dang adorable and trendy. So go check her out! (links below)

She is currently doing a Black Wednesday and Thursday SALE!! 30% off by using the code BLACKWEDNESDAY at the checkout!! Hurry and check out her etsy page and/or follow her on Instagram @shoptheblanketthief

Instagram: @shoptheblanketthief

1 comment:

  1. How did I not see this until now! I just googles "The Blanket Thief" to see what comes up and came across this, you are the sweetest! xoxo


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